Microprocessor Control Systems for direct digital control of fermentation processes. Built on standard PLC systems. The modular concept allows control of fermenter systems from laboratory to industrial scale. It operates as a powerful stand alone control system for the basic fermenter controls, including sequence control, PID-control etc. For measurement and/or control of agitation, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, foam, gas flow, pressure, redox, turbidity, load, glucose, oxygen and carbon dioxide in exit gas etc. Mounted on a 19" profile and contained in separate cabinet or mounted directly in the instrument part of the piping cabinet.PC based operator interface. The WNT/W2K/WXP based operator program, can be controlled by the operator from key board, by mouse or from touch screen. Graphic presentation of real time data, logging of data to file etc.
Viewer program for viewing the process in networks.
Supports communication with external systems via PROFIBUS.
A more comprehensive specification of the Novaferm Fermenter Control System can be found here.